Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Craft Night::The Yarn Wreath

So our first craft night was a major success.  The simplicity of getting great gals together around a table full of inspiration and spiked yuminess is just so darn beautiful.  And can I just point out before we go any further that I have the best neighbors ever!

We kicked off our group gatherings with a craft that all quickly fell in love with…the yarn wreath.  It’s addicting once you’ve done one.  And that my friends is a proven fact.  If you need proof just walk around my neighborhood.  And with that I leave you some fun snapshots of the night…

Apparently I open champagne movie style.  You know, how the cork goes flying through the air and champagne spews everywhere!  Thanks to Amber I now know the "twist and pull" method!

Our special guest :)
And by request, here is a quick tip on how to wrap the yarn wreath!