Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Mum: A Texas Tradition

As a crafter I have never felt discomfort at any craft store, anywhere, that is until I set out to fill an order for a homecoming mum.  As I set out on my journey I walked into Hobby Lobby feeling really confident and extremely creative!  Then, I turned the corner into the homecoming aisle.  **Gulp**  I fully expected to be surrounded by Moms filling their son's request for the biggest, best and most ridiculous homecoming mum they could create so that they could get that one girl to go to the dance with them.  Yeah, not so much anymore.  It was full of young teen and even tween girls whining to their mothers that they just need more bling!  Taking a deep breath couldn't cut it.  I didn't even know why I was in that aisle.  Inspiration maybe??  That's not my style.  All that you find is a lower quality, more expensive product. 

Feeling a tad bit overwhelmed I set out to the fabric section, got focused and regained my excitement.  An hour and some change and a phone call later I was home bound to put it all together!

One thing that I remember about the mum is that after that noisy day at school (waaay to much cow bell for one day) I always put it up on my wall.  So essentially a mum could make it's way onto a wall for up to four years!  With that in mind, I knew this had to be good.  It turned out to be a ton more fun than I could have thought up.  I can't wait to make more.  So I guess you wanna see how it turned out right?  Well, here jah go!

Can I just mention how much I love, love, love this military braid!

And the feathers...don't foreget about the feathers!

So anywho...I think next year I am going to market more cause I'm in love!  Want one??!  Click Right Here Then...

living. loving. crafting.


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